
Integral Transpersonal Life

40 years of history, a network in 35 countries around the world and throughout the Italian territory

We are the only Training School in Transpersonal Psychotherapy in Italy, recognized by MIUR. 

We are the only ones to offer a four-year training course in Integral Transpersonal Counseling.

All our training courses and evolutionary paths apply the Biotransenergetics methodology, BTE since 1982.

The BTE is an operational model of a relationship of help and personal growth that offers practical tools to obtain a mastery of each experience on a physical, energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual level. His intent is to bring harmony and balance in every disharmonious condition by paying attention to the dynamism of consciousness and grasping the aspects of transformation and renewal behind every process of suffering. 

Transpersonal psychology shares with humanistic psychology attention to the "high level" of the psyche, the seat of the most evolved human potential. Therefore, it does not limit itself to proposing solutions to problems and discomforts but to providing tools to draw on the infinite resources of the psyche, opening up to the discovery of the spiritual and transcendent dimensions of consciousness. 

It therefore integrates the experience of Western psychology, in particular existential and humanistic, with the teachings of mystical traditions based on meditation, mindfulness practices, shamanic practices based on ecstasy in direct contact with the forces of nature.

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international network

Why choose us

The transpersonal approach proposes a way of inner evolution and personal fulfillment.

It creates the necessary conditions so that everyone can recognize in himself the inner resources that characterize him to realize his talents and to honor the true nature of his own Self. Every psychophysical manifestation including discomfort are considered allies for a change of life and a transformation of consciousness. Voices that emerge from the depths of the Self and ask to be heard: courage, steadfastness, compassion, a sense of personal worth, responsibility, will, compliance, the ability to be in things with presence, the ability to observe , to listen without judging, to let it happen, acceptance, surrender and resilience, the ability to transform, to renew, to be reborn after infinite deaths and infinite awakenings. 

Unique services at sustainable prices

We offer high quality services and invaluable human value. Training costs are reasonable and competitive and participation fees in seminars, masters and webinars always full of exclusive offers and opportunities

Team of Professionals

All our professionals have completed a four-year training course in Transpersonal Psychotherapy or in Transpersonal and Integral Counseling. Our teachers have completed a further specialized training course of another three years which includes, in addition to participation in advanced training seminars, commitment in research and in helping relationships.

International Experience

Over 40 years of experience in helping relationships and integral well-being. As many in specialized training in Psychotherapy and Counseling, in personal growth seminars, in research in the transpersonal field and in the organization of events and conferences of Transpersonal Psychology at an international level.

Quality Support

We train people capable of managing their inner experiences and therefore of offering attentive and non-judgmental listening, a welcoming and non-invasive presence, strong but not directive support to every process of crisis and transformation, exploration of one's own internal world, development of one's own talents, realization of one's authentic nature

Meet the teachers

The qualified teachers are Counselor Trainer or Psychotherapist Supervisors who have completed a seven-year training course, are enrolled in the SIBTE professional list and are required to comply with the relevant Code of Ethics as well as an annual update of a minimum of 30 hours. The qualification lasts three years and is renewed only to those who are up to date with the aforementioned requirements.
Our History

Integral Transpersonal Institute: the company

ITI was founded in 2010 as a company that manages the commercial activities of the network.
1982 1982
2002 2002
2010 2010
2012 2012
2015 2015
2022 2022

It is a place of Training and Therapy, of Research and Sharing. A place where the guidelines of each activity are: awareness, synergy, interconnection, naturalness, spontaneity, respect, listening, responsibility, emotional mastery, self-knowledge.
It offers the opportunity to participate in activities and seminars not only for training but also for personal development. Masters and training programs at an international level.

ITI manages the following activities: 

born within the Om Association and recognized by MIUR with Ministerial Decree of 30 May 2002

valid for obtaining the diploma of Transpersonal Counselor recognized AssoCounseling 

born to propose itself as a publishing house of reference of the transpersonal vision and which publishes, in addition to non-fiction texts, the Integral Transpersonal Journal, the international journal official organ of EUROTAS, European Transpersonal Association and La Visione Sottile, magazine of the Om.

It is a place of Training and Therapy, of Research and Sharing. A place where the guidelines of each activity are: awareness, synergy, interconnection, naturalness, spontaneity, respect, listening, responsibility, emotional mastery, self-knowledge.


The SFPT foundation is born (MIUR recognition)

It is a place of Training and Therapy, of Research and Sharing. A place where the guidelines of each activity are: awareness, synergy, interconnection, naturalness, spontaneity, respect, listening, responsibility, emotional mastery, self-knowledge.


Establishment of ITI sas

It is a place of Training and Therapy, of Research and Sharing. A place where the guidelines of each activity are: awareness, synergy, interconnection, naturalness, spontaneity, respect, listening, responsibility, emotional mastery, self-knowledge.


ITI Edizioni Foundation


It is a place of Training and Therapy, of Research and Sharing. A place where the guidelines of each activity are: awareness, synergy, interconnection, naturalness, spontaneity, respect, listening, responsibility, emotional mastery, self-knowledge.

Feeding the Soul


Europea (EUROTAS) held in its first edition in Milan, host city of EXPO 2015, from 18 to 21 June 2015.

Organized by the Om Association co-sponsored by Integral Transpersonal Institute (ITI), by Association for Transpersonal Psychology (ATP), Ubiquity University (US) and sponsored by EXPO in the city.

FEEDING THE SOUL brought together  professors and professionals from the most diverse fields, students and artists, lay people and religious, musicians and enthusiasts from all over the world and of all ages. He proposed round tables and experiential workshops,  live entertainment e.

It is a place of Training and Therapy, of Research and Sharing. A place where the guidelines of each activity are: awareness, synergy, interconnection, naturalness, spontaneity, respect, listening, responsibility, emotional mastery, self-knowledge.


40 years of BTE



We have collected the answers to the most frequently asked questions

The transpersonal approach deals with the realization of the Self. He does not limit himself to proposing interventions to heal wounds, traumas, developmental interruptions and "repair" the tears in personal history. Compared to the more focused approaches on the solution of the problem, it focuses on the resources to be activated for the evolutionary journey of consciousness. It offers a broader vision of the inner dimension, beyond the particularity of the biographical experience, opening up to the spiritual dimension and to non-ordinary states of consciousness to learn to master the experience of growth, suffering, transformation. It provides awareness tools to manage emotions and epistemological maps to grasp the "hidden side" of each event: the opportunity in misfortune, the evolutionary ally in the symptom, the solution in the question, harmony in disharmony.

The ETE methodology creates the conditions to guarantee an integral experience, that is, which integrates feeling, acting and thinking on all aspects of an individual: physical, energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual.  As stated by its founder, Pier Luigi Lattuada, the intent of BTE is "to operate a conscious integration of the levels of feeling, acting and thinking to enable us to heal from within, free our body from discomfort, both physical as well as psychic, mastering the states of consciousness, awakening our spiritual qualities and therefore honoring our true nature ”.   

Biotransenergetics is inspired by and honors the original wisdom of Brazilian shamanism as a creative source carrying a strong spiritual connection.  From ancient traditions, it recovers the sacred dimension of life therefore also of pain, illness and caring. The vast apparatus of self-healing practices and supportive therapeutic practices offer direct contact with spiritual forces, integrating them within a modern and conscious vision which, while keeping the sacred dimension intact, elaborates them in a trans-cultural perspective, intra-psychic and trans-personal.

The Transpersonal Counselor does not deal with problems but with the transformation processes that the problem triggers. It does not focus on the client's biographical events. While valuing them, she considers them a door to the infinite and mysterious creative resources of the Self. It operates in an integral perspective because it considers each individual as a unique and unrepeatable being in which processes take place simultaneously on five levels: physical, energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual.  It creates the necessary conditions for the client to recognize his inner qualities and resources within himself by realizing his talents to honor his nature by appealing to the transpersonal dimensions of consciousness.  

The training courses in Biotransenergetics, both of Psychotherapy and Counseling, last four years to obtain the diploma and the consequent qualification to the profession. They then offer a further optional specialization of another three years. They consist of both experiential and technical-applicative and residential monthly seminars lasting several days. In the seminars a space for sharing is offered for one's personal growth, an essential condition for putting oneself at the service of others. They therefore envisage an experiential work on themselves in parallel with the study of the epistemological and methodological paradigms of biotransenergetics. Psychological subjects are also taught with particular attention to transpersonal, humanistic-existential and archetypal Jungian psychology. Teachings of the original shamanic tradition are also transmitted through experiences of traditional ceremonies and practices. 

Parallel to the training course, ITI offers online and face-to-face seminars for the purpose of personal evolution and growth (The ITI online platform). It promotes Transpersonal Psychology conferences and festivals both locally and internationally.  

Le ITI UNITS are active to offer both courses and group itineraries.

Om Association: the inspiring principle

Om Association for Medicine and Transpersonal Psychology was founded in Milan in 1982 by a group of doctors and psychologists with the aim of developing, promoting, spreading the humanistic and transpersonal approach in the field of health, psychophysical well-being, personal evolution. 

Over the years it has organized an innumerable series of courses, seminars, conferences, conventions, events, international festivals, aimed at raising the awareness of the individual towards his own potential and his own spiritual dimension.

In the person of its most representative members, he has published numerous works of a popular and scientific nature and has participated in various national and international conferences.  

Within the association Marlene Silveira and Pier Luigi Lattuada have created Biotransenergetics, a newly conceived psycho-spiritual discipline that has deep roots in ancient shamanic traditions and is recognized in the emerging movement of transpersonal psychology.

Partners and international connections

Italian Society of Biotransenergetics (SIBTE)

Om Institute created in 86 which regulates trainees, Counsleors, Counselor Trainers and Psychotherapists trained according to the Biotransenergetics model with a Code of Ethics and a Professional List.


The offices are managed by psychotherapists or counselor trainers who are completely autonomous and responsible for the activities they carry out in compliance with the statute and regulation of the Om Association and the SIBTE Code of Ethics.

There are several offices in the area directed by the Headquarters. The head office managers, in close collaboration with the MINT contact persons in their area, coordinate the activities in compliance with the Statute, Regulations and Deontological Code of the Om Association and of the SIBTE.


* Qualified Psychotherapists

 The Graduated Psychotherapists have completed a four-year post-graduate training course at the School of Training in Transpersonal Psychotherapy and obtained the specialization diploma in Transpersonal Psychotherapy.

* Accredited counselors

 Accredited Counselors are Counselors who have completed a four-year training course, are enrolled in the SIBTE professional list and are required to comply with the relevant Code of Ethics as well as an annual update of a minimum of 30 hours. The qualification lasts three years and is renewed only to those who are up to date with the aforementioned requirements.

In This Page the names of SIBTE accredited professionals, i.e. those who have completed a training process at ITI and in the last 3 years have participated in periodic updates in the practice of the Biotransenergetic Methodology.

* ITI Doers


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