Loretta Illuminati

Loretta Illuminati

  • Position: Transpersonal psychologist and psychotherapist

Psychologist Review

Loretta Illuminati

Loretta Illuminati, psychologist, psychotherapist, exponent of the transpersonal movement and referent of the OM Romagna Center, in the province of Rimini. He deals with archetypal psychology, psychoanthropology and sacred medical arts which include disciplines that lead to states of consciousness in which the doors of perception open to all aspects of life and where there is an integration between science, art, philosophy, psychology. , nature, spirituality and lifestyle. She therefore dedicates herself to the research of the practices and rites of those sacred healing systems that from ancient times to today consider the human being in his physical, psychic and spiritual dimension, as an integral medicine, common to the great philosophies and cosmogonies of the past. You actively seek the realization of a synthesis between Western and Eastern thought, ancient, shamanic traditions and the philosophies of the Native Peoples, believing in the original unity of knowledge.

She teaches at the Integral Transpersonal Institute in Milan, where she is also one of the heads of the Spiritual Emergency Unit which deals with psycho-spiritual crises and links with ethnic-cultural factors, religious doctrines, mystics, existential and archetypal themes, symbolism of the sacred. 

His keen interest is in talking about ethics and ecological conscience.

Thanks to the work with Biotransenergetics, his intent is to develop awareness and behaviors, first of all as human beings and then in clinical practice, through the holistic-integral-systemic paradigm in which to understand the living and everything that exists from a perspective unitary and interconnected. It means contemplating the new revolutionary understanding of consciousness, the nature of living systems and the nature of reality, to transcend the boundaries of the rational mind and the material world by recognizing the existence of much wider horizons. 

Themes he also talks about in his book “The ways of transformation. Changing life with archetypal psychology and Biotransenergetics "(ITI editions, 2020). It is in the spirit of this contemplation that he works, continues to research and make his own contribution through conferences, conventions, group work and sacred ceremonies.

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