Discover below all the online micro-courses of the BTE ZERO section of the Integral Transpersonal Academy!
Our courses are dedicated to the growth of awareness and inner transformation. By attending them from the comfort of your home or any other location you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the transpersonal vision and methodology!
Click on the buttons and access the course registration pages, in some periods you will be able to take advantage of discounts and accumulate ITI Points, convertible into ITI credits, for the Counseling school.
*Only available in Italian – English version available soon
Introduction to Biotransenergetics
A complete introductory course that will make you enter the world of Biotransenergetics through the exclusive teachings of its founder. You will know the vision, the epistemological bases and the experiential practices to contact your deepest qualities and walk a path of responsibility, awareness and spiritual awakening.
What is integral well-being? It is not just a matter of being well in a general sense but of creating the necessary conditions so that we can re-establish a balance that is both physical, energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual. To do this we need to proceed following the rules of awareness, courage, will and compassion, responsibility and discovery of what characterizes us to respect and realize our true nature. Step by step, the ten fundamental steps to obtain a condition of integral well-being will be indicated.
Deep within us all silently operates an ancient wisdom that knows where to lead if only we learn to listen to it. We can summarize this wisdom in eight pillars: a real one vademecum to be followed to restore balance, clarity, fluidity in our daily life, accessing the territories of the psyche where regeneration, creativity, imagination, vitality, courage, determination, availability for change and even long life and youth reside.
In Biotransenergetics the ways to access awareness and cross the border of the rational mind are called Keys, precisely because they represent the keystones, that is, of transformation, of consciousness. A key to awareness does not consist in an action (although there are practices that verify its validity), rather in a state of consciousness that I have to become aware of. A key to awareness is a way to access awareness or a insight. The keys of awareness reveal to us that we are solely responsible for our discomfort or our well-being.
The E-BTEMasterclasses dedicated to natural elements: Earth, Life, Salt Water, Fresh Water, Air, Metal, Fire
Each E-BTEMasterclass conceived and created by Dr. Pier Luigi Lattuada contains up to 10 practices, texts, images and audio / video for a unique journey home within each force and its resources for our inner life and for everyone. the days.
By registering you will be able to log in with your credentials and have exclusive and perpetual access to your E-BTEMasterclasses and you can open and listen to them whenever you want. Keep them to yourself in honor of the special moment you decide to dedicate to yourself.
Terra is the first of 7 Biotransenergetics masterclasses that Dr. Lattuada has dedicated to natural elements. The Journey of awakening the inner qualities starts from the roots: the home, the source, the Great Mother.
Vita is the second of 7 Biotransenergetics masterclasses that Dr. Lattuada has dedicated to natural elements and has Life as its protagonist, an experience that belongs to every being and that we sometimes tend to take for granted.
Acqua Salata is the third of 7 Biotransenergetics masterclasses that Dr. Lattuada has dedicated to natural elements and has as its protagonist Salt Water, the strength of the oceans, the great belly that gave rise to life teaches us to come and go , the deep dance of emotions.
Acqua Dolce is the fourth of 7 Biotransenergetics masterclasses that Dr. Lattuada has dedicated to natural elements and has as its protagonist Fresh Water, the arcane substance that transforms and is transformed at the same time, nature that wins over nature.
Metal is the fifth of 7 Biotransenergetics masterclasses that Dr. Lattuada has dedicated to natural elements and has as its protagonist Metal, an element that refers to the qualities of the earth, a sign of action, of the act that transforms, that catalyzes processes.
Aria is the sixth of 7 Biotransenergetics masterclasses that Dr. Lattuada has dedicated to natural elements and has Air as its protagonist: invisible, intangible, we are immersed in it and thanks to the fact that we breathe it we can live.
Fire is the seventh and last Biotransenergetics masterclass that Dr. Lattuada has dedicated to natural elements and focuses on Fire. Central element since ancient times in the life of human beings, it expresses the expansive and ascending qualities such as, ardor, passion, enthusiasm, creative and realization power, eroticism, grit, vital energy