Training School in Transpersonal Psychotherapy (MIUR)

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  • MIUR* Recognized four-year Specialization School in Transpersonal Psychotherapy
Watch the interview with dr. Pier luigi Lattuada with Luca Mazzucchelli

"Transpersonal Psychology: the fourth force of psychology"

Transpersonal Psychology is considered the fourth force of psychology as in addition to being the most recent, developed starting from the sixties, it transcends and includes, according to a hologarchic model, the models that preceded it: psychoanalysis, behaviorism, the humanistic psychologist . It includes them in the sense that it preserves their precious epistemological heritage and transcends them in the sense that it proceeds further in the exploration of larger territories of the psyche.

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The Biotransenergetics path

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The Psychotherapy of the Future, Fifteen Questions on Transpersonal Psychotherapy
The Psychotherapy of the Future 2018 Questions about Transpersonal Psychotherapy (Cambridge Scholars Publishing) by Pier Luigi Lattuada Here is the link of the publisher for info and purchasing:
How does Transpersonal Psychology go beyond the models that preceded it?

It is the contribution of scientific circles to the study and understanding of an integral human experience that also includes spirituality. 

Transpersonal Psychology proposes epistemological and methodological models capable of dealing with a scientific approach with the study of the inner experiences of different states of consciousness, the development of the most genuinely human qualities and the highest resources of the Self, such as awareness, compassion, responsibility, trust, creativity, spiritual will, intuition, acceptance, solidarity, awareness of the unity and interconnection of all forms of the living.
How does Transpersonal Psychology accomplish this intent?

Participatory dialogue

Through the management of the participatory dialogue between the individual Self and the world, developing the mastery of the inner experience, the exploration of the multiple states of consciousness and proceeding in the understanding of the true nature of each individual engaged in his path of realization.
the context

The challenges of the Psyche today

Technological and scientific progress, socio-cultural changes proceed with a speed never experienced before.

The biomedical paradigm applied to the human psyche and classical academic education are increasingly inadequate to face the challenge of hypercomplexity in the postmodern era.
testimonial icon

Everyone, everywhere, operates in a hyper-complex environment. Most students and workers are not adequately prepared with the necessary specific and transversal skills to face today's challenges. Soft skills are the key to the future. Many of today's education systems are unable to provide the skills needed to function in today's labor markets, and the exponential rate of technological and economic change is further widening the gap. "

Who is the psychotherapy training school for?

Doctors and psychologists

The school is designed for young people and for "young" in spirit, who know they come from afar and have a present and a future as protagonists, innovators and creatives.

They can be the vanguards of a new culture of sharing that can transcend and include dualisms, as well as the differences and conflicts of the larger system that includes them.
one more way

"Making two, one"

The separation between theory and practice, between mind and body, between action and feeling, between male and female, between past and future, between matter and consciousness, traditional and scientific, academic and experiential, is overcome in a transformative teaching methodology, a way further that teaches to "make two into one".

Oriented to self-realization

The School aims to teach the principles and methods of Transpersonal Psychotherapy according to an integral and transpersonal therapeutic model oriented towards the realization of the self, providing the methodological tools to effectively intervene in the processes of transformation of consciousness:
didactic organization

We run the only MIUR recognized Transpersonal Psychotherapy Training School in Italy

Art. 1. School of Training in Transpersonal Psychotherapy

The School of Training in Transpersonal Psychotherapy is promoted by Om Association for Transpersonal Medicine and Psychology based in Milan. Om is a non-profit association founded in 1982 by Marlene Silveira and Pier Luigi Lattuada.

The School of Training in Transpersonal Psychotherapy was recognized by the MIUR with the decree of 30 May 2002, published in the Official Gazette no. 144 of June 21, 2002. The qualification awarded qualifies for the exercise of psychotherapy and is equivalent to university specialization for public competitions.  

This system has been approved by the Teaching Council and ratified by the Board of Directors of Om, the Association for Medicine and Transpersonal Psychology.

Art. 2. The School Manager

The manager of the school is Integral Transpersonal Institute Sas. Legal representative of ITI and Head of the School of Training in Transpersonal Psychotherapy is Prof. Pier Luigi Lattuada.

Art. 2.1 The Responsible Director

The Director Responsible has the faculty to carry out the initiatives deemed appropriate and useful in order to promote the dissemination of the school throughout the country and the improvement of the quality of teaching. To this end, the Responsible Director has the right to enter into agreements with other associations, work for the recognition and activation of other locations of the School on the national territory, develop and request the recognition of new programs, establish and modify the teaching staff and request them. identification.

Art. 3. Intent and Achievements

Transpersonal Psychology works for the realization of the self, the awakening of the "intimate nature" of each individual and his most genuinely human qualities. The School aims to teach the principles and methods of Transpersonal Psychotherapy according to the guidelines of authors such as: S. Grof, K. Wilber, P. Weil, C. Tart, A. Maslow, with particular regard to the Biotransenergetic methodology developed by Pier Luigi Lattuada. These guidelines are specified in Article 4 et seq. During the course, skills and tools will be provided for:

  1. An individual path of self-realization
  2. The mastery of inner experience and states of consciousness
  3. Theoretical knowledge and practical application of the integral transpersonal model
  4. Knowledge and application of ontology, epistemology and BTE methodology in the clinical setting
  5. The use of the integral transpersonal model in individual and group psychotherapeutic practice
  6. The application of the model in the context of the family, communities, companies, schools.

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Discover our international connections (ITI Credits System)

Become part of a vast network of high synergy right away.

ITI has been managing sector events for 40 years, both in Italy and abroad, creating and strengthening interpersonal, academic and professional relationships with professionals and users interested in Transpersonal issues, integral vision and personal growth in 35 countries and almost all regions Italian (see OM Network and Eurotas but not only)
Festivals, Symposia, retreats, events and summits both in presence and online, various types of intervention projects in collaboration with different realities, post-graduate courses, masters, Phd, internships, various curricular completion, publications through ITI Edizioni and beyond, network of international accreditations (see Ubiquity University), as well as exchanges, meetings, updates, internal projects and career opportunities within ITI.

Quality, preparation, experience, presence, service.

All the teachers of the school, in the various disciplines are renowned professionals at national and international level, with decades of experience in teaching, in the clinical area and in research, are authors, have extensive academic and professional relationships, awards and prestigious titles, but the most important aspect that ITI boasts as a manager is the service, unique, made up of presence, accompaniment, heart, empathy and attention.
Pier Luigi Lattuada

Pier Luigi Lattuada

MD, Psy.D., Ph.D. Physician and Transpersonal Psychotherapist. Founder of Biotransenergetics. Director of the recognized Transpersonal Psychotherapy Training School.
Prazzoli photo

Eleonora Prazzoli

Integral Transpersonal Institute didactic director. Transpersonal psychologist and psychotherapist. Expert in personality theory.
Gianfranco Addario

Gianfranco Addario

Transpersonal psychologist and psychotherapist. Expert in clinical psychology and spiritual emergencies. Director in charge of the Counseling course.
Laura Beccaluva

Laura Beccaluva

Psychologist psychotherapist with psychoanalytic training, supervisor in brief dynamic psychotherapy, trainer and teacher in specialty schools.
Valentina Lattuada

Valentina Lattuada

Transformational Mentor Counselor Transpersonal, Life & Acting Coach Director, Founding Producer of ITActing - Integral transpersonal Acting e.
Giovanna Calabrese

Giovanna Calabrese

Physician and psychotherapist, specializing in Transpersonal Psychology. Researcher at Integral Transpersonal Institute
Photo Claudio Calcina

Claudius Calcina

Transpersonal psychologist and psychotherapist. Couple and family therapy
Paul Cianconi

Paul Cianconi

Doctor, psychiatrist and transpersonal psychotherapist specialized in Ethnopsychiatry, Ethnomedicine and Social Ethnopsychology
Arthur del Luca

Arthur DeLuca

Psychologist and transpersonal psychotherapist expert in General Psychology, Psychopathology, Psychophysiology of non-ordinary States of Consciousness, Psychology.
David Ferraris

David Ferraris

Transpersonal psychologist and psychotherapist. Experiential Psychology
Joseph Fat

Joseph Grasso

Psychologist and psychotherapist. Expert in humanistic psychology and organizational psychology.

Paula Gares

Transpersonal psychologist and psychotherapist. Clinical psychology and experiential psychotherapies. Expert in grieving. Head of the Unit.

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Here you will find the Italian documents. English ones will be provided upon registration.

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