

BIOTRANSENERGETICS AND ESTATIC MUSIC in VERONA A journey of self-knowledge, evolution and expansion of consciousness through psychocorporeal movements that will prepare the body and mind for ecstatic dance and shamanic journey. We will be accompanied by the shamanic drum and a live soundtrack composed by Maurizio Cardullo, musician and sound designer. We will conclude…


The School of Transpersonal Psychotherapy (MIUR Recognized) and ITI – Integral Transpersonal Institute invite you to the DIES ACADEMICUS and OPEN WEEKEND 2024 to learn about the Biotransenergetic Methodology applied in our schools of Integral Transpersonal Psychotherapy and Counseling. The event will be a special opportunity to get to know the structure, the teachers, the training proposal,…

Yoga and BTE in the integration of trauma

Elena Casiraghi: yoga teacher; clinical psychologist and transpersonal psychotherapist. Trainer for psycho-pedagogical yoga teachers for children and adolescents. She is in charge of the Yoga ITI Unit at the Integral Transpersonal Institute since 2018. She has been working since 2012 as a freelancer with individual and group sessions integrating yoga practices ...

The emotional pandemic (and possible solutions)

by PL Lattuada MD., Ph.D., Psy.D. "You were not made to live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge" Dante Alighieri I honestly did not think we would have reached this point, the contradictions within society are exploding, thanks to this pandemic. Healthcare professionals, such as I am as a doctor ...

Integral Transpersonal Counseling and Soft Skills

Before talking about transpersonal counseling it is necessary to make some premises. Counseling The term counseling (or even counseling in British English) indicates a professional activity that tends to guide, support and develop the client's potential. It promotes active, proactive attitudes and stimulating the ability to choose. The counseling relationship is a helping relationship not ...

The Counseling: Interview with Alessandra Caporale

Giovanna Fiorentini's Counseling, Bologna da Vivere Alessandra Caporale, for about 20 years engaged in the Bologna area but not only in counseling activities and today National President of AssoCounseling. What is counseling and who are the counselors? The counseling is configured as an independent profession and the counselor ...

Global Mental Health Conference 2024 – Sofia

sofia university global conference Join Global Mental Health Conference 2024 of Sofia University (@sofiau_ca) from August 16th to 18th in Costa Mesa, either in person or virtually, to explore the theme of “Enlightened Minds, Compassionate Hearts, and Embodied Wisdom.” Engage with thought leaders, pioneers, and practitioners through interactive lectures, workshops,…


TRANSPERSONAL SOUL AND BTE: A PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL WORKSHOP SUNDAY 19 MAY 17pm-20pm FormaMi – Centro yogaV.le Giacomo Matteotti 28/I, Rimini (Borgo San Giuliano) An experiential psychoeducational workshop for a journey to discover the Archetypal Forces. A research that starts from the origins of Jungian Psychology, crossing Transpersonal Psychology, up to the birth…

Free webinar series on the Transpersonal Approach and BTE

FCP, Continuing Education in Psychology, organizes with ITI – Integral Transpersonal Institute a series of 3 webinars via Zoom dedicated to the transpersonal approach and Biotransenergetics. To participate for free, all you have to do is sign up to the FCP Newsletter. Find out all the details below! Biotransenergetics – questions and answers…


EXPERIENTIAL SEMINAR: “THE TRANSPERSONAL FIELD” Even if we are not aware of it, we are constantly immersed in a participatory dialogue between microcosm and macrocosm. This dialogue always takes place within a Field, defined as the context within which something happens. “The space between me and the other is not empty. We are immersed in…

Thanks for your interest!

Welcome to! Now you can find out more about the ITI Units and the activities proposed by our professionals. you will receive periodic information on: Dr. PL Lattuada's Biotransenergetics, the projects of the ITI Units Events, courses, news and much more on Biotransenergetics, the Integral Transpersonal Institute, the transpersonal and integral well-being Seminars, webinars,…

THE JOURNEY TO AWAKENING: CONSTELLATION OF THE SELF edited by E. Casiraghi, E. Prazzoli, S. Gambelli

RETREAT September 27-29 | Yoga, BTE, Constellations, Shamanism Come and extend your summer in an exclusive location in the Marche (Casa Gaia in Ostra, AN): a unique opportunity to learn about transpersonal constellations, practice Yoga and immerse yourself in ancient Shamanic wisdom together with the ITI Yoga Unit! What is it about? This Journey will lead us…

YOGA & BTE- Yoga online by E. Casiraghi and Sara Gambelli

YOGA AND BIOTRANSENERGETICS: what is a transpersonal practice An innovative practice to integrate the age-old wisdom of Yoga with Transpersonal Psychology and the Biotransenergetic methodology. Why? Demonstrate how the BTE intensifies the contact with the transpersonal Self, accelerates it and cleanses it even within the Yoga practice. What do we propose?…

Workshop "The feminine and the imaginary"

Training event Edition dedicated to the memory of Maria Cristina Greco Event Director Alfredo Anania Psychiatrist Psychotherapist Marsala, Dir. Resp. Rev. Dynamic Psychology Chairpersons, Speakers, Artists Ercole Alagna Sole Administrator of Alagna Vini Marsala Simona Alessandrà Primary School Teacher, Psychologist, Gela, Event Director Antonella Bianco Doctor of Science and ...


THIRD SEMINAR – III CHAKRA Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 June 2024 (by reservation) At the Agriturismo Il Narciso (via Cappella 61, Castelnuovo Nigra, Turin) Through a journey of 7 seminars organized according to the map of the Seven Chakras, you will be able to explore a great variety of themes and areas of your personal history, bringing healing and…

Sign up for Dr. Lattuada's Webinar (7-10-2024)

    Free webinar on the topic of Biotransenergetics in helping relationships During the online seminar, which will be held on Monday 7 October at 19.00 pm, Dr. Pier Luigi Lattuada, director of ITI – Integral Transpersonal Institute and head of the Transpersonal Counseling Course of the Varese branch Ligure, will present the methodology…

Looks of love at death

Paola Gares, clinical psychologist, transpersonal psychotherapist, Biotransenergetics method. She graduated from the Integral Transpersonal Institute in Milan. She is in charge of the Om office in Brescia, where she lives and works, leading meditation groups and working as an individual and couple psychotherapist. Head of the Unit Passage that deals with the theme of the real Death and ...

ITI Spiritual Emergency

Unit Coordinators: Dr. Elena Toscan and Dr. Loretta Illuminati Emergency in short here stands for Spiritual Emergency or Spiritual Crisis. The Transpersonal Psychology model highlights the importance of the spiritual dimension, conceived as a fundamental human experience, which therefore has a strong impact on the person at a psychological level. ...

Conference: Psychotherapy at the time of the pandemic

Psychotherapy in the Time of Pandemic: Mental Health in the Heart of Public Health Rome, January 28-30, 2021 ITALIAN SOCIETY OF PSYCHOTHERAPY (SIPSIC) ITALIAN FEDERATION ASSOCIATIONS OF PSYCHOTHERAPY (FIAP) NATIONAL COORDINATION OF PRIVATE PSYCHOTHERAPY SCHOOLS (CNSP) The Conference it will be held electronically with the patronage of: FNOMCeO, OMCeO ...

Thank you for signing up to our newsletter

Welcome to! * IF you have been redirected to this page AFTER confirming your subscription to the BTE News, simply by clicking on the link you received via EMAIL: you don't have to do anything anymore, you're in !: Thanks! First of all, you will receive quality content and valuable information! Now you can learn more about: Dr. Biotransenergetics ...

WEBINAR: The Psychotherapy of the Future

The transpersonal vision speaks to us of a way of being in the world and doing things that goes beyond appearances and which, as such, belongs to the heroic journey of anyone en route home. Pier Luigi Lattuada, author of the book The Psychotherapy of the Future. Fifteen questions on psychotherapy ...

Webinar Shamanic Meditations

November 17, 2020 at 20,45 pm A WEBINAR ON MEDITATION AND THE SHAMANIC JOURNEY with Pier Luigi Lattuada and Simona Vigo As in a painting, the shamanic journey reveals us where we are and where we are going, it leads us beyond the mind, into the extraordinary planes of consciousness , to acquire knowledge and wisdom, ...

Unlimited Mind Conference

Conference SconfinataMente Psychic suffering: from psychotropic drugs to the science of individual and collective psychic self-care Towards a holistic approach to health and well-being Gorizia - 18 and 19 September 9.00-19.00 at the Teatro Comunale Verdi - Via Garibaldi 2A In these in recent years it is possible to see that it is expanding ...

Humanity Rising Summit

ITI - integral Transpersonal Institute and Ubiquity University are partners in this event of great international importance. Humanity Rising represents a movement of people and organizations that come together to collect innovative and revolutionary ideas on how to exploit the crisis of the current pandemic and turn it into an opportunity to build a future ...

Ubiquity University courses and webinars

Ubiquity University is a partner of ITI - Integral Transpersonal Institute The Energetics of Art course has started for all those interested in learning how to use art to access different states of consciousness on @ubiquity_university. Contains pre-recorded material and a live webinar on April 3rd. ...

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