-promote their right to information, education and organisation to safeguard their interests' (TFEU, Article XNUMX). ITI EDIZIONI - The publishing house of the Transpersonal Movement ITJ - Integral transpersonal Journal La Visione Sottile - Transpersonal Culture Periodical in Italy Publications Research BTE - International Academic Department of Research on Transpersonal and Biotransenergetics Articles - from 1982 to today, collection of articles written and published in books, websites and magazines, interviews and contributions Contents BLOG BTE Logbooks - Students and colleagues tell their activities, experiences and reports VLOG PAST EVENTS– Feeding the Soul, Milan 2015– Feeding the SoulWorld Summit, online 2016– Feeding the Soul Top Transpersonal Gathering. 2019– Feeding the soul Re-gathering online 2020- 23rd International Eurotas Gathering USEFUL LINKSInternational connectionsCounseling Transpersonal Transpersonal PsychotherapyEUROTAS – Global Transpersonal Network