IT Birth

Vanessa Rabeschini

Unit Coordinator: Dr. Vanessa Rebeschini

the unit

Iti Birth

Integral Transpersonal Birth it has its roots in a fertile and generative soil, which destroys nothing but transforms everything into a process of "conscious rebirth". 

The projects of this unit they involve different groups and make use of different tools, but they all come together in a single intent… like so many rivers that, crossing the winding roads of life, all return to the same sea: the great sea of ​​the Self, of our most authentic nature. 

How many times, walking along the winding roads of Life, the direction of the wind has invited us, invites us (and who knows how many more times, will invite us) to change the path; to leave the beaten path to venture into dense woods where only trust and surrender to the rhythms / cycles of Nature can help us find our way back home?

How many times have we died and been reborn to ourselves, sometimes after rowing against the current to the point of exhaustion and then letting ourselves be carried away by the flow, and sometimes letting ourselves be shaped by the force of change?

How many times have we stumbled upon trying to disguise or discover our most authentic Nature?

Birth - in the ordinary plane - implies coming to the Light, going beyond the boundaries, crossing the threshold of the known ... it is in the presence of the border that the passage from the microcosm to the macrocosm, from the personal to the transpersonal plane takes place. 

My imagination paints the canvas of the poetic act of birth with a presence (the Self) before the coming and going of the sea ... presence is present and observe the dance of the Moon and the Sun as they draw their cycles in the celestial vault. Crossing the threshold, the present presence blends his gaze with the infinite, including and transcending the separation in the interconnection.

Here being born / reborn - in a metaphorical sense - is a bit like expanding the gaze and welcoming the most extensive drawing, recognizing and honoring every single color, every brushstroke, every obstacle, every occurrence, ... welcoming it with an empty mind, clear eyes and light heart. 



The projects involve:

  • NEW PARENTS who are preparing to welcome and embody the role of mother and father… together with the child, in fact, a mother and a father are also born! 
  • CHILDREN who are called on a daily basis to take steps according to centrifugal rather than centripetal motion, gradually moving away from their most authentic nature. School, family, society, group of friends and the criterion of uniformity often force the child to wear tight clothes that are not aligned with the feeling of her. Through the BTE methodology, children can be trained to keep their sentient flame burning from an early age, establishing a participatory, conscious and responsible dialogue between what is inside and what is outside ... following the flow of the breath that reminds them of the away from home and the beauty of the divine spark that shines in their hearts! 
  • ADOLESCENTS who in facing a period full of changes that operate at different levels (in the mind, in the body, in the heart, in relationships, in the realization of the Self) can rediscover the tools and gifts they have available to face the transition from the child world to the adult one with serenity. 

Each phase of Birth / Rebirth retraces the stages of the Hero's Journey: separation, initiation (crossing the border, birth / rebirth) and reintegration. 

The BTE tools and methodology and the transpersonal vision accompany new parents, children and adolescents in this journey of rebirth to themselves! 

Dr. Vanesca Rebeschini

Unit Coordinator: Dr. Vanesca Rebeschini

Vanessa Rebeschini is a trainee psychologist and transpersonal psychotherapist. 

After earning a bachelor's degree in developmental and educational psychology and a bachelor's degree in Cognitive Neuroscience and Clinical Neuropsychologyat the University of Padua, he undertook a training course in transpersonal psychotherapy at theIntegral Transpersonal Institute of Milan, directed by Dr. Pier Luigi Lattuada. 

During his studies he deepened the field of Autism, also carrying out research at the Monet Chemical Senses Center - laboratory of Cognitive Neuroimaging (Philadelphia, USA) - in collaboration with the CAR (Center for Autism Research, affiliated with the CHOP - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, the most important childcare center in the US and worldwide). 

He worked in the Child Neuropsychiatry Department of the Borgo Roma Hospital in Verona and collaborated with various educational realities in the Verona area. 

Vanessa Rebeschini is a yoga teacher for adults and children, she is an expert in neonatal massage, parenting support, psycho-body techniques and Biotransenergetics (BTE). 

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