Head of the ITI DreamingBody Unit: Dr. Matthew Hu

the unit

ITI DreamingBody

The Dream Body is a set of psychocorporeal/psychospiritual practices relating to the methodological corpus of Biotransenergetics.

The value of the Dream Body lies in its specificity and its versatility.

The specificity is to nourish the psychocorporeal practice with the living archetypal field.
Versatility lies in the wide range of possible uses for the Dream Body.
It can be used as:

– Long Life Practice
– Self-healing practice
– Diagnostic Tool
– Therapeutic Technique
– Sacred-Ritual Experience


UNIT aims to promote, disseminate and offer training opportunities regarding the practice of the "Dream Body".

The purpose of UNIT is to provide support and a training opportunity for all those who are eager to learn about and/or deepen the Corpus of Dream Body practices.

Dr. Matthew Hu
The director in charge of UNIT has promoted and disseminated the Dream Body throughout the world and in the most varied fields over the last 15 years. He refined its therapeutic possibilities and made it a complete practice that can best be used in all the above-mentioned declinations.

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