PSPP COURSE: “Integral Transpersonal Counseling: a transformative approach…”

This online mAcro-course runs for 12 weeks

Integral Transpersonal Counseling: a transformative approach of counseling according to the new paradigm of the transpersonal vision

Dr.ssa Simona Vigo

This course combines theoretical and practical aspects of counseling in a transpersonal perspective. It proposes an integral vision of the human being and an innovative approach to taking care of the others. Practical tools will be made available to learn how to manage your inner experience to develop awareness, presence and self-mastery.
The emerging figure of the counselor responds to the urgent need of the society of listening, contact and presence. The counselor is not necessarily a psychologist but always a Soft Skills professional trainer. Counseling does not deal with mental illness. The mission of counseling is to build a relationship of supporting with a person or a group in order to arouse essential qualities to improve general welfare around. This is why counseling can be integrated into many professional contexts where a good level of awareness, emotional mastery, observation skills is needed to impact on the general health and prosperity of the environment.

In particular, the transpersonal counselor shares with the client a journey of consciousness evolution and spiritual realization. Becoming counselor means have earned the ability to master one’s inner experience with the acquisition of an operational methodology able to offer respect, presence, listening and support to the processes of existential realization and personal fulfillment. The ability to create the necessary conditions to recognize and express one’s own talents and one’s uniqueness as a human being to consolidate: ability of autonomous judgment, versatility and intellectual flexibility, creativity, responsibility for one’s own life, tolerance and spirit of solidarity, compassion for oneself and other people, ability in taking care, respect for all living forms together with a greater civic and ecological sensitivity.

Course Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course you should be able to:

• Understand the basis of the transpersonal vision and some topic philosophical elements in counseling.
• Understand the archetypes of consciousness and how to recognize them in action.
• Manage the basis of methodology of transpersonal counseling: the maieutic dialogue.
• Improve self-mastery in taking care of oneself and the other: knowing how to be and how to do respecting one’s own uniqueness.
• Recognize one’s inner, specific talents and qualities to offer the most useful service to the context around.

Instructional Mode and Methods:

This course will combine:

• Direct instruction through live lessons
• Indirect instruction through the provision of suggested learning materials related to the learning outcomes.
• Independent study through essays included in bibliography.
• Written compositions through the illustrated maieutic method
• Feedback about Mindfulness experiences and practices proposed in lessons or slides.
• Interactive instruction through facilitated and peer-to-peer discussion forums.

Details, costs and frequency methods:

It will be possible to follow the path in two ways:

– Live (€350) – The calendar will soon be available.
– Independent studies program (€250) – It will be possible to access at any time starting from January.


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If you would like to attend this course, before purchasing it you must fill and submit the APPLICATION FORM

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