BTE - Freedom from the Known
With Pier Luigi Lattuada M.D., PSY.D., Ph. D.
The first interruption of flow, the first interference in the original dynamic that occurs in the life of an individual, the trauma of birth.
Interruption that contains the memory of the original interruption and of the following ones, depositary of phantoms of the past.
Freedom from the Known aims to free the individual from traumas of the past, to free the field (body-mind, Organismic Self) from the memory of interruption and from the waves of interference, that the different interruptions (traumas) produced in its different levels (physical, energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual), to re-establish the Original Organismic Transe, freeing us from the Known, that is to say from the personal matrices that determine, maintaining them, our Chronic Transe.
Freedom from the known considers the following aspects:
- Remaining and saying yes.
- Five levels of the body-mind.
- Seven main chakras.
Maps and theoretical models
Dreaming’s body
Archetypal movements to improve awareness of proprioceptive, visceral and kinesthetic signals
Freedom from the know
Soft breathing and non-strategies
Dreaming’s body
Archetypal movements to improve awareness of proprioceptive, visceral and kinesthetic signals
Freedom from the know
Deep breathing and drumming
Process work, breath-work practices, supervised practices
Contest, test, structure, process of verbal and non-verbal communication in BTE
- Learn maps of consciousness, non-ordinary states of consciousness, and the five levels of experience within the context of Biotransenergetics theory
- Apply the theoretical basis of Biotransenergetics practices in your ordinary life
- Work with the Dreaming body – a sequence of corporeal practices for our well being
- Utilize the practice of archetypal movements to improve personal awareness of proprioceptive, visceral, and kinesthetic signals
- Free from phantoms of the past.
- Re-establish the Original Organismic balance in its different levels (physical, energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual),
- Integrate and apply the weekend training to care you and others
BTE-Freedom from the known workshop courses will be given by Dr. Pier Luigi Lattuada, M.D., Ph.D., a Transpersonal Psychotherapist from Milan, Italy. He is the Director of the Integral Transpersonal Institute, which offers programs for training transpersonal psychotherapists and counselors, and for people interested in enhancing their lives through transpersonal education. He is chair of ITP program at Ubiquity University. He is the creator of the Integral Transpersonal Journal, the official professional journal of EUROTAS, the President of the EUROTAS board, and the originator of the transpersonal approach to psychotherapy called Biotransenergetics.
Biotransenergetics (BTE) is a poetic act, an innovative Transpersonal Psychotherapy Methodology Dr. Lattuada conceived in 1982. It has been developed through more than thirty thousand hours of clinical work and research. This methodology has been written in twelve published books. BTE helps us learn how to recognize the sacred creative yearning of life and to honor its laws – to “master the Transe.” When we master the Transe, we can “make one from two.”, we reach the source of our Self and our full potential. This training seminar will be a combination of lecture and participatory experiences of sacred practices, sounds, movement, drumming and therapeutics methodologies.
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