One place, one way.


By Simona Vigo

The world is what you dream of: the way

Il Body of the Dream is a psycho-corporeal practice that belongs to the Methodological Corpus of Biotransenergetics. It is a practice that provides concrete tools to follow a path of inner fulfillment. We can say that the Dream Body is a way in the way. A way that has a heart, a mind, a body. A way that indicates a path of personal evolution: it provides maps and keys to open the doors of awareness, it teaches you like practice a discipline but thing to seek, where arrive ... this only you can know. An initiatory path that educates you in respect, responsibility, compassion, courage, inner strength, determination, honesty, trust, surrender, forgiveness, honor, humility but above all it teaches you the sacred sense of existence. One way of responsibility and awareness: it doesn't tell you what to do but how to do what you have to do, because what you have to do only you can know. A way that passes through its own, inalienable inner experience but he generously offers you the experience of those who have gone through it before you. Like all routes it is both practical and contemplative. Knowledge without practice is like a lifeless body, but practice without knowledge risks being exhausted in transitory and non-transforming experiences. It is a way in which consciousness experiences itself and reflects on itself in order to experience itself again. It is a non-progressive route but creative that proceeds by intuitive leaps and illuminations (insights), but that create the conditions so that these can take place through a strict discipline. It is a path that favors paradox over logic, circularity over linearity, metaphor and analogy to logic, the poetic language of the soul over the analysis of the intellect. It does not deny the reality of everyday experience, on the contrary it honors it as a way to the truth. It is inspired by the wisdom of ancient spiritual and shamanic traditions and the new discoveries of quantum physics. 

The place

Il Dream Body is together a place and a practical way to reach it. Each great spiritual tradition has named that place with different metaphors: the Supreme Consciousness, the Kingdom of Heaven, Nirvana, the Nagual, the Dharma, the Tao, the Foundation, the Source, the Infinite, the Absolute, the Transpersonal Self. . Australian Aborigines called it the Dream Body. What place is a state of consciousness. The state of consciousness in which you can see things as they are, beyond the illusions of the mind. We have some allies able to lead us there: they are the archetypal forces of the psyche, original principles through which the universal psyche manifests itself in all forms of the living.

The allies of the psyche

Every quality of human nature is archetypal. In other words, it is the phenomenal manifestation of aEssenza which is expressed through a given crafts or character. Starting from the elements of nature which are i elemental principles of life: air, earth, water, fire. Each of these forces translates into the individual in the form of a constellation of spiritual qualities and characteristics common to all human beings and therefore defined archetypes (original principles) of the collective unconscious. In the Dream Body they are called orixàs, to honor the ancient Brazilian shamanic tradition that inspired Biotransenergetics.  

We know from quantum physics that all things, material and immaterial, are vibrating energy fields in constant motion. Through our inner experience we can understand that we are constantly immersed in a transpersonal field of archetypal principles, alive and active that informs our organismic field at all levels of its energy: physical, energetic, emotional, mental, spiritual. A Orixà therefore, it becomes not only a quality that we can awaken within us, but also one spiritual strength which is expressed in the totality of our experience by modifying it at all levels. Transpersonal experience heals personal experience by immersing us in a larger field in which qualities we lack or need can be contacted. awakening them within us through conscious movements, breathing and visions. This way we can have an experience whole wheat, that is, involving all levels of our body-mind or organismic matrices: physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual. It is a "direct" practice as the shamanic tradition teaches us: we learn to know the archetype becoming the archetype. We can experience its energetic qualities at all levels of our organismic system according to our willingness to leave everything we already know about us, emptying ourselves of any opinion we have about ourselves to be "informed" by the wisdom of the archetype. 


In the practice of the Dream Body we learn that every movement is a gesture of power and thought, emotion and feeling are vibrations capable of changing the state of consciousness. Each gesture is a prayer that can be answered by creating the right conditions, aligning with the rhythmic and dynamic flow of archetypal forces. 

Allies and masters

The people who participate in my Dream Body groups are very different from each other. Each of them, however, has had an experience at least once integral, it resonated with an archetypal force in a particular way. That strength that was caring for her at that moment. All of them, regardless of their expectations, have understood what it means to expand consciousness. They have a wider awareness. Many of them have changed their posture and physics structure. Some of them have lost weight, others have taken a firmer and more confident position. Some have acquired confidence and rootedness, others softness and fluidity. For some, the timbre of the voice has changed, it has become cleaner and more confident. None of them made an Orixà a divinity to be religiously celebrated, but a psychic and spiritual force to be integrated and honored. Every time the work ends they have a new light in their eyes. Sometimes they suffer, but without more comments or judgments. They speak of limits and interruptions to be harmonized and of trust in the wisdom of the force that heals when it becomes a quality to be awakened and integrated. They bravely confront the qualities they encounter, in their lack, their shadows and their excesses. They confirm to me the validity of the way every time, they are my teachers. 

I think this is what I love so much in the Dream Body: it is a practice that brings out the divine mystery that is in you. The power that qualifies you as a human being, passing through shadows and suffering and making you great, making you humble. It is the paradox that becomes life, contemplation that becomes practice, the god that becomes blood, the circle that closes, the journey that marks a way, the question that becomes an answer, the seeker that becomes he who finds.

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