Online Course 10 Steps to

Held by dr. Pier Luigi Lattuada, founder of Biotransenergetics.
SPECIAL PRICE: 40 years of BioTransEnergetica
La BTE Zero® and the BIOTRANSENERGETICS in its most updated version by the founder, the dr. Pier Luigi Lattuada MD, Psy. D., Ph.D.
Within this section of the Integral Transpersonal Academy you will find the complete free courses of BTE ZERO, offered by Dr. Lattuada and by other very valid professionals: doctors, psychotherapists, counselors, coaches trained in  ITI - Integral Transpersonal Institute. 





Heal from within!
BTE: for 40 years, training and transformation
Change your state of consciousness and you will change your life!
The argument well-being fits into a holistic context, in a integral vision integrated with the human being and the world, in a model capable of declining existence in a new paradigm, where the physical, emotional, energetic, mental and spiritual, or transpersonal levels.

This latter level shares the name with an entire movement that has been exploring the different dimensions of consciousness for decades in the direction of their mastery by the individual thanks to the assumption of responsibility towards their own health and society, perceiving to be part of a all interconnected and constantly changing, in whose flow it is important to remain without judgment and with the predisposition to question oneself.

The idea of ​​an integral approach is that we we can be comfortable on all floors.

Technologies of the sacred come to the aid of individual and collective evolutionary process , Biotransenergetics offers practical tools, very ancient and very new, within a new generation psycho-spiritual discipline, the basic concept of which, among others, can be contained in the following sentence: "Change your state of consciousness and you will change your life!".
The aim is not well-being but the realization of one's self,
honoring one's true nature, reconnecting with oneself.
dr. Pier Luigi Lattuada
For several decades, a new movement of thought has been developing in various fields of knowledge, in particular in psychology and pedagogy, medicine and ethno-psychiatry, anthropology and art.
This movement, supported by the achievements of modern physics, research on states of consciousness and ancient spiritual traditions based on meditation, deals not only with the problems of the individual, but above all with his potential and higher qualities. 

This is the transpersonal movement  based on the assumptions of new science and ancient traditions and on what Bohm defines "A new order understanding", produced by the mastery of inner experience, fruit of insight.
Biotransenergetics, a transpersonal discipline founded in 1982 by Dr. Pier Luigi Lattuada and Dr. Marlene Silveira, is a poetic act, its intent is to teach to recognize the sacredness of the creative impulse of the living in all its manifestations ...

Get back in touch with your talents, acquire the tools for a renewed awareness of life and a newfound mastery of your person, your emotions, your inner world ...

Recognize the beauty of creation and existence by resonating with all "what is", with its laws and the infinite potential that you have at your disposal, the allies that await you beyond your fears ...
Emotions write about our physical health as much as our inner health. 
Mastering our inner experiences is the key to any well-being.
Discover the 10 Steps to Integral Wellness course conducted by the founder and developer of Biotransenergetics, a psycho-spiritual discipline since 1982,

A journey of 11 theoretical and practical lessons, audio, video, material to download and quizzes to keep track of your progress.

The course is part of the BTE ZERO® section of the platform
Integral Transpersonal Academy,
(Collect ITI points, get your ITI Cert and convert it into ITI credits!)
Sign up now and take advantage of the discount with which we celebrate 40 years of Biotransenergetics (BTE since 1982)

and instead of paying 275€ each course you will pay only 111 € each!

You will also have 500 ITI Points as a sign up bonus.

Or choose the BUNDLE option by clicking on the button below!
Also if you sign up immediately you will receive how Bonus 500 ITI Points (at each course) for your Dashboard in the BTE Zero section of the Integral Transpersonal Academy!
Here are the other proposals BTE Zero® 
Master the size of the consciousness and its states, is a necessary condition for anyone who wants to take on the responsibility for their own psychophysical health.
Well-being can only be integral, all levels are related -
I exist in the body, in the mind, in the emotions, in the energy, in the spirit, in society ... 
So what do we mean by Integral Wellness?
The transpersonal approach and BTE help us to recognize the intrinsic nature of the human being in its entirety.

Too often we do not allow ourselves to listen to ourselves in our integral dimension, and we identify with our mental instances.

Let's take a break from our daily running, from our stress, from the need to perform, to produce, to be an impeccable father and mother and so on and let's ask ourselves "But how am I?"

A simple question that, moreover, is easily asked to us every day and to which we are used to answering ... But how do we answer? Aihmè, too often the answer turns out to be hasty and superficial, sometimes oriented to expectations from the other, to how our mind tells us how we should be at that moment and in that circumstance, or on the basis of an automatic pattern.

The point is that in none of these cases do we allow ourselves a space for authentic listening to ourselves; so day after day the deeper parts of us, more connected with our intimate nature, become a forgotten side, an interior space whose door we have closed and over time we forget its existence.

In order to be authentic, it is necessary to take responsibility for one's own well-being, through conscious listening to every level of our being: asking ourselves how we are doing does not mean noticing a state of absence or presence of illness, it means remaining listening, through the persistence of contact, of what comes from our levels.

How do I feel my physical body? Do I have pain somewhere? Do I feel tension or fluidity? Does my breathing expand or do I feel a blockage? Do I feel grounded, present and firm on my legs? What sensations do I get from my energy body? Do I feel vitality or stasis? Throbbing or twitching? Heat or Cold? Do I notice what I feel? do I let my emotions free to manifest themselves and guide my behavior? Or do I compress them because I consider them inappropriate? If, for example, I cannot express anger because it is not suited to the context in which I am, do I deal with it or simply swallow and forget about it?

And again: are emotions free to flow with my life in the present or do they tend to a chronic transe that is organized around nuclei deriving from past experiences that do not allow me to fully experience all the emotional nuances?

My thoughts: are they born and allied to what I feel truly authentic inside of me or do they lead me back to what the outside world desires and expects of me?

Do I cultivate the intent to bring beauty into my life or do I linger in limiting patterns dominated by fears, insecurities… And in all this I leave the listening space to the subtlest vibrations of my Being, do I ally myself with my soul intent of self-realization?

Do I attach myself to the abundance and beauty of the universe? Do I let my breath tune into the universal breath?

Through the persistence of contact and observation we can increase our awareness that only by listening to all levels of our being can we access that dimension, which in BTE is defined as transe harmonic, where we enter a dimension of true well-being and it is possible to have a full, authentic life experience.

When our levels are harmonious and aligned with each other through an interconnected flow, we allow our organismic self to access a dimension of activation of our principle of self-healing and self-realization.
There is in fact an essential interrelation e interdependence of all phenomena: physical, biological, psychological, social, cultural. 
A psycho-spiritual discipline born in 1982
BTE: An integral method to heal the past, live the present, realize the future.
The creative possibilities arise from the willingness to change, from courage to question one's own certainties, to move away from the balance produced by one's habits and beliefs in order to open up to transformative momentum of existence, to the self-healing potential of the organism.
A path characterized by Conscious Observation and Compassionate Love, in the direction of that mythical place that the different spiritual traditions have tried to indicate with the most diverse metaphors: Supreme Consciousness, Akasha, Way, Tao, Dharma, Kingdom of Heaven, Foundation, Aruanda, Orùm, Nirvana, Dream Time, Nagual .

The holistic vision offers a scientific paradigm that, providing guarantees of validity, knows how to deal with those dimensions of the human that transcend the boundaries of the rational mind such as: imagination, creativity, self-healing, wisdom, love, humility, compassion, intuition, spiritual evolution, hypersensitivity, awareness.

writes Dr. Pier Luigi Lattuada founder of Biotransenergetics.

Biotransenergetics, a psycho-spiritual discipline that teaches to master the inner experience, is the expression of a synthesis of a vast system of self-healing and consciousness transformation practices.
Its intent is to operate a conscious integration of the levels of feeling, acting and thinking to put us in a position to Heal from within, free our body from discomfort, both physical and psychic, master the states of consciousness, awaken our qualities spiritual and therefore honor our true nature. 
What is Biotransenergetics or BTE?

Biotransenergetics is a poetic act, its intent is to teach to recognize the sacredness of the creative impulse of the living in all its manifestations and to conform to its laws.

Biotransenergetics is a psycho-spiritual discipline conceived in the early 80's thanks to a love encounter between Pierluigi Lattuada, psychotherapist doctor and Marlene Silveira, psychologist, psychotherapist.

Since then, in over forty thousand hours of clinical work at the Om Center in Milan, PierLuigi Lattuada has perfected the theoretical model and the operating system, creating a methodology based on the perennial philosophy of ancient spiritual traditions and supported by the most recent acquisitions of the new science, research on states of consciousness, integral vision and Transpersonal Gnosis.

A Biotransenergetics path is a journey that accompanies the individual towards himself, providing him with opportunities and tools to change and to manage change. 

Biotransenergetics proposes a methodology based on inner experience and the exploration of the dimensions of consciousness, participation and sharing, with the aim of realizing the awareness that is revealed in the most authentic dimensions of the heart, beyond the thought processes of the mind. ordinary.

Le creative possibilities, arise from willingness to change, twigs courage to put in discussion their own certainties, to move away fromequilibrium produced by their own habits and convictions to be able to open up to the transformative momentum of existence, to the potential of self-healing body. 
Sign up now and take advantage of the discount with which we celebrate 40 years of Biotransenergetics (BTE since 1982)

and instead of paying 275€ each course you will pay only 111 € each!

You will also have 500 ITI Points as a sign up bonus.

Or choose the BUNDLE option by clicking on the button below!
Each lesson of the course that you finish, having also passed the quiz, will give you 100 ITI Points.
We have also decided to reward you with 1000 ITI Points once the whole course is finished, to encourage you to complete your journey.
This means that at the end of the course you will have obtained 3000 ITI Points in total.

What does it mean? It means that if you decide to take other courses on the Integral Transpersonal Academy platform you will be able to accumulate more and more points, where 10.000 ITI Points entitle you to 1 ITI CERT and an ITI CERT can be transformed into 1 ITI Credits valid for ITI - Integral Transpersonal Institute School of Integral Transpersonal Counseling.

Here are the other proposals BTE Zero® 
The living system is a unitary system, which requires one to be understood unified vision.
The balance within a living system it is maintained through fluidity and to let go, while control and rigidity lead to chaos. 
If we want to keep the flexibility in the system we have to leave to flow our life energy and consequently loosen control over our emotions, free the expression of our soul.
Il well-being is determined by a resonance of harmonic rhythms between them, the disease is determined by an interference of disharmonious rhythms.

In this course you will acquire practical and simple tools to begin the transformative journey towards your Integral Wellness through harmony and resonance.

In recent decades, links between brain, endocrine system and immune system.
The connection channels have been identified body-mind and also the molecules that act as mediators of this report.
Una interconnected psychosomatic network of information runs through the entire organism unifying the different mind-body transduction systems.
Sign up now and take advantage of the discount with which we celebrate 40 years of Biotransenergetics (BTE since 1982)

and instead of paying 275€ each course you will pay only 111 € each!


You will also have 500 ITI Points as a sign up bonus.
Discover the BUNDLE option by clicking on the button below!
Here are the other proposals BTE Zero® 

In my experience, meditation sometimes becomes almost a pain reliever remedy, it is practical, it is comfortable, if you master the technique you get to eliminate the symptom but do not solve the problem. Meditation can become this, if it is not supported by a stronger process and this is where perhaps transpersonal work comes in, because it is certainly a fantastic, very useful tool. What my experience is that at some point I was using meditation because by mastering the technique I was able to take away the symptom.

LG doctor

BTE for me was finding the way. For twenty years I have been doing so many things that have helped me a lot, that have helped me not to lose the part of me that has been left behind. I feel BTE inside me because it gives me the maps, it gratifies my rational part, but it is making me experience experiences and putting me in contact with my center, with the intent of grasping the wisdom that is in it. myself.
Housewife FC

Passport to freedom. The freedom to express and honor who I truly am, and I discovered it here, in BTE. The gratitude towards the circle is such that it has no words, but it is right that it has no words, so that each of you may feel it in your hearts.
MT employed

BTE is awakening, it is a poem that takes me home, that takes me to the source, makes me see the true nature of things, gives me great opportunities, gives me the opportunity to reconnect in a profound way with my essence.
LF dance teacher

First it was saying "yes", making yourself available and moving everything that came. Now it is also saying "no", but honoring and thanking what is coming; to be able to take the space for oneself.
FC architect

With the BTE I found a way to make the result of a dream manifest, a very old dream that concerns me, Christ and the Crianças.
MG computer analyst

BTE is balance, BTE helps me to go to the places I've always wanted to go but have never been able to reach by myself.
BR attorney

(...) I sincerely thank and give you all a piece of writing that I have read: "I continue to walk although there is no longer a place to reach, do not try to see beyond the distances, it is not something for human beings, move to your internal, don't let fear guide your steps ”.
MF surveyor

For me, BTE is something that is showing me the possibilities I have at a person level and an opportunity to be together with people who decide to take off their masks and give up their daily attitudes and stay together in the direction of transformation.

DG psychotherapist

For me, BTE is a tool, a road that goes towards the truth and towards the heart.

AR Counselor

BTE is the way of the heart.
DM traffic policeman


Pier Luigi Lattuada MD, Psy.D., Ph.D
doctor, psychologist, psychotherapist, author.

He is director of the Training School in Transpersonal Psychotherapy recognized by MIUR and the Training of Integral Transpersonal Counseling Training.

President of ITI - Integral Transpersonal Institute, of Milan.

He is a professor at the Sofia University, Palo Alto California and Ubiquity University

He is president of the EUROTAS, European Transpersonal Association.

Former director of the Lifegate Holistic Clinic

He is the founder of Biotransenergetics a psycho-spiritual discipline that we could define as a poetic act since it teaches creativity in the art of self-giving in the face of psychophysical discomfort, in the direction of self-realization. He has been composing poems since the age of 16, he has written numerous books both essays and short stories on transpersonal psychotherapy, integral medicine, biotransenergetics.

He has published the following books:

  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - To see well - Ed Meb Padova 1985
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - Spiritual power and healing - Ed. MEB Padova 1986
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - Traveling to wake up - Ed. MEB Padova 1995
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - Love massage - Ed. MEB Padua 1990
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - Brazilian Shamanism - Ed.Xenia Milano 1989
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - The further way - Ed. MEB Padua 1995 - 2013 ITI ed. Milan
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - edited by - Transe - Cyber ​​n ° 32 - October 1991
  • Lattuada - Silveira - The chakras - Ed. MEB Padova 1995
  • V Gioia edited by - The culture of Transe - Riza Sciences March 97
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - Hymn to your hidden heart - Florence books 1996
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - Biotransenergetics - Xenia ed. Milan 1997 - 2012 ITI ed. Milan
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - Under different stars - Ed. Xenia Milano 1998 - 2017 ITI ed. Milan
  • G. Ricci edited by - The book of harmony - Mondadori Milan 1998
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - Transpersonal Psychology - Riza Sciences dec. 2000
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - Beyond the mind - Franco Angeli Milan 2004
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - The body of the dream - Anima 2007 edition
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - The medical art of inner healing - Franco Angeli 2008
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - You are a genius - ITI ed. Milan 2014
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - Forme D'Amore - ITI ed. Milan 2015
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - The Great Gesture - ITI editions, Milan 2016
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi - The psychotherapy of the future - Inedit, Castel San Pietro, 2018
  • Lattuada PL, Vigo S. (2020) - Shamanic Meditations - Macro Editions, Cesena

Books translated into English

  • Lattuada PL (2012) beyond the mind, ITI ed. ebook, Milan
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi (2013): Biotransenergetics: ITI ed. ebook, Milan, 
  • Lattuada Pier Luigi (2017) Transpersonal Revolution? In McMullin, Hess & Boucouvalas (Eds.) Metamorphosis through conscious living. A transpersonal perspective. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 

Sign up now and take advantage of the BLACK FRIDAY:
use the coupon BLACKFRIDAY21 and instead of paying 275€ every course there you will pay only 111 € everyone!

Or choose the BUNDLE option by clicking on the button below!
Here are the other proposals BTE Zero® 
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