Transpersonal Psychology in Italy

In this article you will find a valid excursus on the origins of Transpersonal Psychology in Italy and in the world. We will start from the meaning of the word, what it indicates, when it was used for the first time, who developed its contents. THEIntegral Transpersonal Institute is the first and most important institute of transpersonal psychology in Italy and boasts a National Network e international historical, solid, extensive and of the highest level. Dr. Pier Luigi Lattuada, founder in 1982 of theOM Association, has created and disseminated countless texts and articles on the Transpersonal. It has become the most authoritative voice in Italy of transpersonal psychology. Alongside the events that are carried out by ITI, Integral Transpersonal Institute and the Association, the Transpersonal Manifesto. In the meantime it also constitutes itself ITI Editions, publishing house of the Transpersonale in Italy.
transpersonal psychology in Italy
Transpersonal Psychology In Italy
Discover the only school of Transpersonal Psychotherapy in Italy Recognized by the MIUR

Transpersonal Psychology, birth of the term and origins

Transpersonal Psychology adheres to a philosophical and epistemological vision that considers all dimensions of consciousness. Not only the cognitive-mental and emotional processes, but integrates the spiritual experience into the psychological context. The term Transpersonal applied to psychology was first used by Robert Assagioli, creator of Psychosynthesis, and later by Gustav Jung. It indicates those areas of psychic reality that extend beyond identification with the individual personality. Hence transpersonal psychology is characterized as the contribution of scientific circles to the study and understanding of the inner experience of a transcendent order. The Inner Experience, over the centuries, has received numerous denominations from different traditions: mystical ecstasy, cosmic experience, cosmic consciousness, oceanic experience, peak experience, nirvana, satori, samadhi, kingdom of heaven, etc.

In short (Italian only)

La Transpersonal Psychology combines the experience of Western psychology, especially of the Gestalt, existential and humanist vein, with the mystical traditions based on meditation, and with those shamanic founded onecstasy and direct contact with the forces of nature.  It also has a strong influence from the most recent acquisitions of the modern physics and biophysics, and is closely related to other sciences such as sophrology, sociology, anthropology and ethnopsychiatry.
Transpersonal Psychology in Italy
transpersonal psychology

Casale's story

William James

Pioneer of psychology, William James he was the first to study mystical experiences considering them both psychological and spiritual events. In "The Varieties of Religious Experiences", James considers the mystical experiences as a "healthy and natural impulse", the foundation of any religion. Freud and later schools of psychoanalysis stigmatized these experiences, calling them regressive fantasies to the uterine state. The Behaviorists definitively shifted the focus of science from the world of states of consciousness to that of behavior. However, together with the dominant trends, a school of thought remained alive, supported by scholars of different backgrounds and origins, which continued to maintain the transcendence of the ego andspiritual experience at the center of his own psychological research.

Cal Gustav Jung

The most important to mention is Carl Gustav Jung, to whom we owe the introduction of the concept of a Collective Unconscious, initially defined by himself "Uberpersonliche"(Transpersonal). This Unconscious would be the author of the fundamental interconnection of every individual psyche, and would be populated by the Archetypes which constitute the very ordering principles of every transpersonal experience. According to Jung, we all indirectly experience Archetypes through dreams, symbols, fables, rituals, while mystical experiences allow us direct access to the world of archetypes. Jung went so far as to indicate in spiritual experience the main way for the resolution of neuroses.

Abram Maslow

Abraham Maslow was the founder of the Humanistic Psychology and has laid the foundations, perhaps more than anyone else, of nascite of Transpersonal Psychology integrated within the panorama of psychological approaches. Maslow considered Humanistic Psychology, which he defined as the Third Force of psychology, after Psychoanalysis and Behaviorism, as a transition phase that prepared for a “Even higher Fourth Psychology, transpersonal, transhuman”. This movement recognized the exploration of the cosmos plus human needs and interests as a starting point for the understanding of discomfort, going beyond concepts such as identity, personal self-realization, towards a transcendence of the self that also took into account the "cosmic" and therefore archetypal elements of the psyche.

Robert Assagioli

Robert Assagioli had the great merit of to be the first to transcend the limits of psychoanalysis, proposing a defined approach "Psychosynthesis". According to Assagioli, Psychosynthesis allows the individual to broaden his personal boundaries to realize the Transpersonal Self. It also seems that he was the first to coin the term Transpersonal Psychology.

Pierre Weil

Pierre Weil, author of the book "Man Without Borders", is one of the great Fathers of Transpersonal Psychology. He identified a series of boundaries that limit man in his world view, thus defining the areas of intervention of Transpersonal Psychology. These are: consciousness, memory, evolution and death.

Specificity and intent of Transpersonal Psychology

transpersonal psychotherapy
transpersonal psychotherapy
The main prerogative of the transpersonal movement are the knowledge e transcendence of borders, acting with scientific methods for the development of the following theses: Consciousness is an incessant and unlimited flow. Limits exist only in the mind of man.
  • Memory goes beyond phylogeny and can go back along the evolutionary day of the living to the very source of vital energy.
  • Human evolution does not stop at the intellect or the stage of sexual maturity, but proceeds towards higher qualities: wisdom, love, humility, compassion, awareness, etc.
  • Death is only a passage, an opportunity to know new dimensions of being.
Stanislav grof e Ken Wilber they are currently the most representative figures of the transpersonal movement.

Stan Grof

Stan Grof, was one of the first to come up with a transpersonal psychodynamic model, as well as one inner experience map and a psychotherapeutic methodology with a transpersonal approach.

Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber he is arguably the most fertile transpersonal theorist still alive. He has come up with a model of development of consciousness which allows iintegrate the various psychological models: cognitive, moral, psychodynamic and spiritual.

Other important authors

Other authors who collaterally nourished the great river of the Transpersonal are Karen Horny with his concept of "True Self"
  • Victor Frankl, which based his work on the search for meaning and on the notion of "self-transcendence"
  • Carl rogers, which included the concept of "Transcendent spiritual power" among the characteristics of a fully functioning person
  • Fritz Pearls, influenced by Zen in the elaboration of his Gestalt therapy
The first Transpersonal Psychology Association was founded in the United States in 1969 by Charlotte Buhler, Abraham Maslow, Allan Watts, Arthur Koestler, Viktor Frankl. They published the magazine The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, founded by Antony J. Sutich and to which all the major American exponents of the Transpersonal movement collaborate, including: Ken Wilber, Stan Grof, Stanley Krippner, Lawrence Le Shan, Michael Murphy, Charles T. Tart, Frances E. Vaughan.

Transpersonal Psychology in Italy

pier luigi lattuada biotransenergetics transpersonal psychology
pier luigi lattuada biotransenergetics transpersonal psychology
In Italy, the authors who have contributed most to the theoretical elaboration and diffusion of the transpersonal movement are: Laura Boggio Gilot, Arturo De Luca and Pier Luigi Lattuada. Laura Boggio Gilot explores the Transpersonal Psychology in the light of Psychosynthesis and Vedanta meditation. Arturo De Luca captures the transpersonal dimension through Grof's Rebirthing and Holotropic Breathwork. Pier Luigi Lattuada elaborated the Biotransenergetics, a transpersonal discipline influenced by ancient shamanic traditions. He is president of the School of Specialization in Transpersonal Psychotherapy, recognized by the MIUR with the Decree of 30 May 2002, and del Training Course in Transpersonal Counseling managed byIntegral Transpersonal Institute.

The Transpersonal Psychotherapeutic Model

Each of us owns una "nature intima ”, essential and innate, founded biologically and spiritually. This nature is partly specific to the person, partly characteristic of the whole species and is "Intrinsically good". It carries basic needs and contains basic human emotions and abilities such as potentials, talents, physiological and temperamental balances, anatomical equipment and so on. This intimate nucleus based on potential is very delicate and needs to be nourished and supported in order to take root. Education, cultural expectations, conditioning, the fear of disapproval, in fact, can easily suffocate it. From repression, frustration or denial of these intrinsic potentialities, all kinds of discomfort are generated up to illness. Personality disorders must therefore be considered as the result of a block in the process of self-realization.

The process of self-organization in Psychology

The process of self-realization passes through contact with one's own intimate nature and unconditional acceptance of oneself. This means accepting one's own needs and aspirations and their expression, the realization of these latent capacities or potentialities towards that “full fulfillment” of our natural and spiritual essence. Along this road the obstacles are to be found in the stabilizing factors or conservative structures of the ego. These structures, if chronic and consolidated by an excessive rigor in the attention to social norms, end up blocking the free expression of our self. They imprison spontaneity and naturalness in stereotypical behavior patterns. Furthermore, they are supported by instances such as: control, will, self-criticism, analysis, measure, conformity, thoughtfulness, the caution that if they become tyrannical and dominant, regardless of a broader vision, they end up replacing each other. to that dynamic and wise force, to that inner voice that tends to guide us towards what is "right" for ourselves and for those around us, towards more genuinely human qualities such as trust, love, humility, compassion , determination, understanding, sincerity, fluidity, sensitivity. Discover the only school of Transpersonal Psychotherapy in Italy Recognized by the MIUR

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