On the occasion of the opening of registrations to the ------- based in Milan, Saturday 25 (9.30-18.30) and Sunday, November 26 (9.30-16.30) an open weekend will take place to help those interested in learning more about the contents, structure and functioning of our integral transpersonal counseling courses.
Participation in the trial seminar is free but subject to motivational interview and mutual understanding with the teacher responsible for the Integral Transpersonal Counseling Course in Milan, Dr. Gianfranco Addario.
Becoming an integral transpersonal counselor means acquire the skills to:
- facilitate the healing processes, the maintenance of health, the prevention of disease;
- educate you about health and self-healing
- promote the resolution of symptoms by recognizing their creative potential;
- influence the biochemical activity of the organism by mastering mental attitudes and states of consciousness;
- develop emotional intelligence by resolving conflicts in personal history;
- enhance your spiritual dimension and realize your truest nature;
- unleash the creative expression of your talents.
write to scuolapsicoterapiabte@gmail.com for info and membership, or call us on 02-8393306.
To find out more about the Biotransenergetic methodology you can download the brochure at This Page.