Head of the ITI Art Therapy Unit: Claudia Castiglioni

the unit

ITI Art Therapy

Transpersonal Art Therapy draws on an integral dimension where movement, breath and vision dialogue with the artistic media in a transformative and harmonizing way.
Painting, drawing, modeling, photography are the basis of the visual arts, which in the declination of Transpersonal Art Therapy are affected by the experiences drawn from the history of art, by the interaction with natural elements and their qualities and by one's own sensitivity acquired from contact with your own self.

Transpersonal Art Therapy transcends and includes the classic canons of Art Therapies that have placed the emphasis on the powerful mobilizing possibilities of expressive experiences.

The advantage of this way of working is that it produces great internal movements, but the limit is that it leaves the client in a state that is potentially difficult to manage.

In accordance with the BTE map of the Secondary Cycle, Transpersonal Art Therapy takes care to accompany the mobilization to a congruent transformative direction.

This happens thanks to the contact with those archetypal qualities which, elicited by the artistic media, provide the energy and the way towards an integral restructuring of the experience.

The variety of tools (Sewing, Canvas, Clay, Tempera, Watercolors, Fire, Embossing, Pigments) and supports allow BTE practices to be expanded and integrated in infinite ways and creative directions.

The specific canons of Transpersonal Art Therapy are to privilege the process over the finished product and to consider the artifact as an expression of Transe and therefore the basis for possible therapeutic insights.


The purpose of UNIT is to provide support and a training opportunity for all those who are eager to learn about and/or delve deeper into Transpersonal Art Therapy.

Claudia Castiglione
Responsible Director of UNIT, over the years she has developed the canons of Transpersonal Art Therapy, refining, promoting and disseminating it in the most varied training and professional fields.
It has enhanced its therapeutic possibilities making it usable for the BTE professional who wants to broaden and expand their skills.

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