It is time for celebration

It is a time of celebration, it is a time of good wishes. May peace, love and brotherhood spring up in your heart as it prepares for the Savior's birth. 

Pier Luigi Lattuada

"The day will come when the mythical birth of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as Father, in the womb of a virgin, will be considered as the fable of the generation of Minerva from the head of Jupiter"

(Thomas Jefferson)

But I wonder and you, can good wishes be enough?
Of course not, they must be followed by actions, solidarity, goodness, understanding, dialogue.
And can actions be enough? Of course not, they must be authentic, felt, it also takes the feeling.
Well, then there you have it.
I would not say. Have you ever tried to think badly of someone and feel love at the same time?
Unlikely, do you agree?
I would therefore like to be able to wish you to feel, act, think about a Holy Christmas.
In short, an integral Holy Christmas.
If you like the idea, we need to venture into one consideration: the Savior.

If I came to you and told you: I love you, I am in solidarity with you, we are brothers, but know that my Savior is the only true one, yours is not the only true only begotten child of God given birth by the Virgin Mother.
Apart from the fact that even if it were true, a similar mental attitude, whether explicit or implied, is certainly not the best way to create an atmosphere of brotherhood and love, it is instead given to send a message of superiority based on power. My savior is more powerful than yours, adjust and let yourself be loved.
And we come to feel, to authenticity. A part of me knows that it is not so much Christian to feel superior or to nurture power, and then here is the split, I keep in the shadows, I pass over in silence, the belief, (mistaken for faith) that my God is the only true and I pretend, I act like we're the same and your god is real too, but I don't believe it. And the other feels it.
It remains to consider the historical truth for which it can easily be affirmed with certainty that the Myth of the Virgin Mother was universally widespread in antiquity among all the peoples of the earth.
The Christian God is Love, Truth, Life. I hope for an integral Holy Christmas, in which all Saviors are celebrated, with a view to authentic universal brotherly love.

you can read HERE the full article The myth of the Virgin Mother by PL Lattuada.

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