There is a place where you can go and see things as they are, beyond the illusion of the mind

There are allies who can lead you there. Street. The Dream Body

The Dream Body is a psycho-corporeal technology of Biotransenergetics that favors the awakening of psycho-physical energy, the recovery of body fluidity and allows the expansion of consciousness through dynamic meditations inspired by the qualities of the forces of nature.
Movement, breath, vision
The integration of body movements, conscious breathing and visions of the mind will allow us to experience contact with fields of archetypal qualities in which we are constantly immersed and which act in us on a physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual level as ordering principles of the our inner experience.

Why Dream Body?
Shamans say: the world is what you dream of.
Paraphrasing Einstein: The world we created is the product of our thinking and therefore cannot change unless we first change our way of thinking.
The way of thinking can be changed by favoring the release of tensions and consequently of the limiting thoughts that have always forced us to a partial vision of our internal and external world.
The practice of the Dream Body through the integration of ritual movements (mudra), breathing and sound (mantra) and mental visions (yantra) creates the conditions for the increase of vital energy and therefore the possibility of entering a state of consciousness that allows access to the forces of nature and the spiritual world which in psychology are considered archetypes.
Paraphrasing Einstein: The world we created is the product of our thinking and therefore cannot change unless we first change our way of thinking.
The way of thinking can be changed by favoring the release of tensions and consequently of the limiting thoughts that have always forced us to a partial vision of our internal and external world.
The practice of the Dream Body through the integration of ritual movements (mudra), breathing and sound (mantra) and mental visions (yantra) creates the conditions for the increase of vital energy and therefore the possibility of entering a state of consciousness that allows access to the forces of nature and the spiritual world which in psychology are considered archetypes.

What are archetypes?
In ancient times they were considered deities connected to the force of nature.
In the Dream Body they become spiritual allies to explore our states of consciousness towards integral well-being and Self-realization.
Each structure of the "Dream Body" is dedicated to awakening a specific force of nature in order to activate its qualities within us.
In the Dream Body they become spiritual allies to explore our states of consciousness towards integral well-being and Self-realization.
Each structure of the "Dream Body" is dedicated to awakening a specific force of nature in order to activate its qualities within us.
With the spiritual strength of the earth we will learn the ability to be grounded in our body, to focus on a goal, to stay in touch with our needs and our physical and mental resources, to nourish and support.
The spiritual force of the forest will help us awaken the deep and rhythmic pulse of biological life and the ability to recognize our needs and creativity in us.
With the spiritual force of water, we will perform a series of movements that aim to awaken in us the qualities of fluidity, ability to welcome, let go, compliance, compassion, transformation, tenacity, the ability to adapt to different circumstances. of life.
The spiritual strength of the metal will show us the way of will, determination, the ability to discern between what is good and what is bad for us, the ability to cut with the past, to defend our space.
The spiritual strength of fire will teach us the audacity, the ardor to pursue our goals, the sense of justice and self-worth.
The spiritual force of the air will show us the way to free ourselves from the prejudices that extinguish the enthusiasm and prevent us from seizing the opportunities hidden in mishaps, to breathe freely, affirming our specificity as individuals with serene self-esteem and without the need for prevarication or victimization, will give the direction to follow for our realization.
Each practice acts on five levels:
PHYSICAL BODY: posture, muscular structure, body attitudes, gestures, physical symptoms
ENERGETIC BODY: functionality and level of vitality of organs and viscera, metabolic, biochemical, vegetative processes, energetic and functional symptoms
EMOTIONAL BODY: feelings, emotions, moods, needs, desires, aspirations, fears, emotional symptoms
MENTAL BODY: thoughts, images, fantasies, memories
SPIRITUAL BODY: transcending the contents of the personal mind, expansion of consciousness, visions, intuitions, non-ordinary states of consciousness.
ENERGETIC BODY: functionality and level of vitality of organs and viscera, metabolic, biochemical, vegetative processes, energetic and functional symptoms
EMOTIONAL BODY: feelings, emotions, moods, needs, desires, aspirations, fears, emotional symptoms
MENTAL BODY: thoughts, images, fantasies, memories
SPIRITUAL BODY: transcending the contents of the personal mind, expansion of consciousness, visions, intuitions, non-ordinary states of consciousness.
Bringing the Extraordinary into the Ordinary
Achieving a good awareness in the use of body movements favors the awakening and the release of a large amount of energy often compressed in stiffness and physical pain. Regular practice of these movements allows you to acquire greater body fluidity and flexibility which in turn is the mirror of greater emotional and mental awareness.
The final intent is that of the expansion of consciousness and of a participatory dialogue with the spiritual forces of nature that act within us. Then become the archetype itself, incorporate its qualities and express its strength.