Integral Wellness in Milan

The transpersonal approach and BTE help us to recognize the intrinsic nature of the human being in its entirety.

Too often we do not allow ourselves to listen to ourselves in our integral dimension, and we identify with our mental instances.

Let's take a break from our daily running, from our stress, from the need to perform, to produce, to be an impeccable father and mother and so on and ask ourselves "but how am I?"

A simple question that, moreover, is easily asked to us every day and to which we are used to answering ... But how do we answer? Aihmè, too often the answer turns out to be hasty and superficial, sometimes oriented to expectations from the other, to how our mind tells us how we should be at that moment and in that circumstance, or on the basis of an automatic pattern.

The point is that in none of these cases do we allow ourselves a space for authentic listening to ourselves; so day after day the deeper parts of us, more connected with our intimate nature, become a forgotten side, an interior space whose door we have closed and over time we forget its existence.

In order to be authentic, it is necessary to take responsibility for one's own well-being, through conscious listening to every level of our being: asking ourselves how we are doing does not mean noticing a state of absence or presence of illness, it means remaining listening, through the persistence of contact, of what comes from our levels.

How do I feel my physical body? Do I have pain somewhere? Do I feel tension or fluidity? Does my breathing expand or do I feel a blockage? Do I feel grounded, present and firm on my legs? What sensations do I get from my energy body? Do I feel vitality or stasis? Throbbing or twitching? Heat or Cold? Do I notice what I feel? do I let my emotions free to manifest themselves and guide my behavior? Or do I compress them because I consider them inappropriate? If, for example, I cannot express anger because it is not suited to the context in which I am, do I deal with it or simply swallow and forget about it?

And again: are emotions free to flow with my life in the present or do they tend to a chronic transe that is organized around nuclei deriving from past experiences that do not allow me to fully experience all the emotional nuances? My thoughts: are they born and allied to what I feel truly authentic inside of me or do they lead me back to what the outside world desires and expects of me? Do I cultivate the intent to bring beauty into my life or do I linger in limiting patterns dominated by fears, insecurities… And in all this I leave the listening space to the subtlest vibrations of my Being, do I ally myself with my soul intent of self-realization? Do I attach myself to the abundance and beauty of the universe? Do I let my breath tune into the universal breath?

Through the persistence of contact and observation we can increase our awareness that only by listening to all levels of our being can we access that dimension, which in BTE is defined as transe harmonic, where we enter a dimension of true well-being and it is possible to have a full, authentic life experience.

When our levels are harmonious and aligned with each other through an interconnected flow, we allow our organismic self to access a dimension of activation of our principle of self-healing and self-realization.

For info on the next Experiential Seminar on Integral Wellness in Milan with Dr. Eleonora Prazzoli, write to

During these seminars we will find, through simple steps, the path of exploration of our being, in which the spiritual level is not an added element, but constitutes its ordering principle and the way to cultivate our well-being at 360 degrees through awareness.

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