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"We train professionals able to master their inner experiences"
Transpersonal Psychotherapy Training - Four-Year specialization Course: the only MIUR recognized Transpersonal Psychotherapy Training School in Italy
Since 40 years, training and transformation.

Biotransenergetics-BTE is a psycho-spiritual discipline consisting of an organized set of tools that provide an epistemological vision and an experiential method to explore one's internal world and dialogue with the inner experience.
Practicing Biotransenergetics is like embarking on a journey. To those who ask how long the journey lasts, all you can do is answer like the cat to Alice "It depends on where you want to go" ..
To those who recognize themselves in this vision, Biotransenergetics will be able to provide, through individual or group sessions, tools that allow them to :

  • Facilitate the processes of healing, maintenance of health, prevention of disease
  • Educate yourself about health and self-healing
  • Promote the resolution of symptoms by recognizing their creative potential
  • Influence the biochemical activity of the organism by mastering one's mental attitudes and states of consciousness
  • Develop emotional intelligence by resolving personal history conflicts
  • Valuing one's spiritual dimension and realizing one's most authentic nature
  • Unleash the creative expression of your talents
  • Learn the mastery of one's own inner experience
  • Develop emotional intelligence
  • Develop awareness and compassion
  • Develop a sacred attitude towards life (trust, humility and devotion).
  • Entelechy: courage to realize one's true self.

He is director of  the Training School in Transpersonal Psychotherapy recognized by the MIUR and of the Training  Training in Integral Transpersonal Counseling.
President of  ITI - Integral Transpersonal Institute, of Milan.
He is a professor at  Sofia University, Palo Alto California  and  Ubiquity University
He is co-vice-president of  EUROTAS, European Transpersonal Association.
Former director of the Lifegate Holistic Clinic.
He is the founder of  Biotransenergetics: a psycho-spiritual discipline that we could define as a poetic act since it teaches creativity in the art of self-giving in the face of psychophysical discomfort, in the direction of the realization of the Self. He has been composing poems since the age of 16, he has written numerous books both essays and short stories on transpersonal psychotherapy, integral medicine, biotransenergetics.

Biotransenergetics, Transpersonal Psychology, Integral Wellness
ITI - Integral Transpersonal Institute